For the perfect refreshing drink during those unbearably hot summer months, make up a pitcher of this Sangria Slush; just blend, add fruit, and freeze!
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Sangria Slush: What to do with Cheap Wine
As Cory returns to school for the fall semester and we bid farewell to summer, it seems only appropriate to remember the warm, relaxing season with a simple, tasty sangria slush… well, that and I found a bottle of super cheap white wine in the refrigerator downstairs from some abandoned and now forgotten recipe. You know what that’s like, right? You have the best intentions to cook some delicious, exciting meal, but the week gets hectic, leaving you tired and grabbing takeout instead? Oh good, I’m glad it’s not just me. Anyway, I couldn’t even tell you what recipe I purchased the wine for at this point, so I figured, “hey, I like wine! I’ll just drink it!”
Yeah, no. That was a mistake. When they mark the wine down to $3, maybe it’s truly a safe assumption that it’s best relegated to the cooking wine shelf. Still, the bottle was now open, and I don’t believe in wasting wine or drinking non-delicious alcohol; thus I set about my task: creating a tasty cocktail from sub-par wine. We all need a way to make the cheap stuff tasty anyway, right? While the winter months call for warm, spiced wines, late summer nights need sangria; with some ripe fruits and tasty juices, I knew I could save this poor, sad bottle.
So here you go, a super simple way to rescue that lonely bottle in your fridge. Don’t let it sit sad and forlorn in the cold recesses of its frigid prison any longer. Set it free, blend it up, and share it with friends!
In the height of peach season, we can rarely eat them quick enough, so we slice up extras when they’re super ripe and toss them into freezer for just such an occasion as this, and since we’re smoothie addicts, we’ve always got frozen berries around. While we don’t usually have juice, I was super intrigued by this Mango Nectar (really just thick mango juice with a fancy name) we saw at Costco recently, and since Costco only sells items in “end of world” quantities, we have enough mango nectar to survive the apocalypse. Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but we certainly have plenty for a variety of cocktails. In fact, if you’ve got whisky instead of wine, check out Cory’s Habanero-Infused Whiskey with Mango and Lime for another mango nectar drink. If you’re looking for a warm wine drink, make up some Warming Winter White (Spiced Wine with Orange).
I tossed it all in my Vitamix and blended it until smooth, which only took about 30 seconds. It gets a bit frothy, but it’ll settle back down in a minute. Now if you can’t wait the hour or so needed to turn the sangria into a slushy in the freezer (no judgement; I’ve been there), you can drink it right away. Since it’s blended with fruit, the drink is thicker than standard wine, and you might want to stir it up before pouring each glass. Pour it in a pretty pitcher, mix in some chopped fruit to make it extra fancy, and you’ve got yourself a tasty, classy party drink (as you can see from the pic, I either need a smaller pitcher or more wine! I’m going to say more wine.) If you’ve got the time, pop it in the freezer for a couple hours to freeze up, then pull it out about 20-30 minutes before serving, and you’ll have a frosty sangria slush to keep you cool on these last summer nights! However you serve your wine, enjoy it, and rest easy knowing you gave life and love to that lost little bottle huddled away in the back of the fridge.
Do you have a favorite frozen cocktail? Let me know in the comments, and if you like tasty, healthy recipes be sure to subscribe (& get a free smoothie ebook!) to Our Sweetly Spiced Life. We’d love to stay in touch on Facebook and Pinterest too!
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