Comment Policy

We’d love to hear your comments on Our Sweetly Spiced Life. We encourage discussion, feedback, and conversation. We will not censor, edit, or delete your comments unless given reason. These may include, but are not limited to:

-Comments that contain spam

-Comments that are off-topic or have nothing to do with the post to which they are linked

-Comments that contain links to unrelated content or topics (including unrelated affiliate links)

-Use of inappropriate language, such as excessive profanity, vulgarity, offensive comments/concepts, derogatory remarks, etc.

-Pornographic content

-Direct attacks on others (including Our Sweetly Spiced Life and our readers/commenters)

We appreciate your consideration in following these policies. Please help us to make this a place where people can feel safe to share their voice and engage in dialogue. We reserve the right to block, remove, or change comments submitted here at anytime without notice. These policies are subject to change.